Engineering Publics

The Different Modes of Civic Technoscience


  • Sascha Dickel TU Munich
  • Christoph Schneider Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
  • Carolin Thiem TU Munich
  • Klara-Aylin Wenten TU Munich


Amongst the many modes of citizen science in the past years TechnoCitizenScience has emerged. In this paper we argue that it is necessary to distinguish between science and technoscience since they are based upon different practices and goals. Whilst 'science' tries to explain the world, 'technoscience' tries to technologically construct worlds. Whereas citizen science involves publics to contribute to data gathering and interpretation, TechnoCitizenScience involves publics in technological world making. The article analyses three different cases of TechnoCitizenScience in a FabLab, a professional Makerspace and a civic hackathon. Whilst particular similarities such as discourses of inclusion and engineering rationalities guide these activities we show that TechnoCitizenScience takes place in diverse settings to fulfill different agendas. By creating prototypes for engineering publics TechnoCitizenScience expands the regime of technoscience into society.


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Special Issue: Many Modes of Citizen Science



How to Cite

Dickel, S., Schneider, C., Thiem, C. and Wenten, K.-A. (2019) “Engineering Publics: The Different Modes of Civic Technoscience”, Science & Technology Studies, 32(2), pp. 8–23. doi: 10.23987/sts.59587.