Greener Aviation Take-off (Delayed)

Analysing Environmental Transitions with the Multi-Level Perspective


  • Graham Spinardi
  • Rebecca Slayton


In the past fifty years, long-range commercial airliners have changed only incrementally from the paradigmatic design – a tube fuselage with swept wings and mostly-aluminium construction. Reducing the environmental impact of airliners may require radical innovations and a new paradigm, but the transition to a new paradigm is fraught with risks. This paper analyses how key risks have shaped and limited efforts to transition toward three types of radical innovations that would signifi cantly improve airliner fuel effi ciency. We use these three cases to reassess the dominant framework for analysing sociotechnical transitions – the multi-level perspective (MLP) – in light of methods and theoretical perspectives drawn from Science and Technology Studies (STS). We argue that if the MLP is to provide a robust framework for analysing sociotechnical transitions, it must be refi ned in three ways. First, it must ‘open the black box’ to account for the ways that technologically-specific risks shape the transition process. Second, rather than predefi ning particular innovations as radical or conservative, ‘mature’ or ‘immature,’ it should attend to how actors conceive of such terms; an innovation which appears ‘mature’ to one group may appear ‘immature’ to another. Third, the MLP would be strengthened by additional case studies such as ours, which examine incomplete or failed transitions.


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How to Cite

Spinardi, G. and Slayton, R. (2015) “Greener Aviation Take-off (Delayed): Analysing Environmental Transitions with the Multi-Level Perspective”, Science & Technology Studies, 28(1), pp. 28–51. doi: 10.23987/sts.55356.