Managing Creativity in Academic Research

How Could Creative Action and Management be Reconciled in Research?


  • Sven Hemlin


This  article  discusses  how  management  could  be  used  in  promoting  creativity  in academic research. First, research management is introduced with the observation that  management  often  creates  tension  in  academic  research.  Second,  a  comprehensive research management model is presented as a tool for analysis. Third, studies of creative and innovative working groups are applied to academic research management. Finally, a conclusion is drawn with six implications for the improvement of creativity supported by research management.


How to Cite

Hemlin, S. (2006) “Managing Creativity in Academic Research: How Could Creative Action and Management be Reconciled in Research?”, Science & Technology Studies, 19(1), pp. 83–92. doi: 10.23987/sts.55204.